How to Be Successful with a Positive Mindset with Olivia Conlon

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with a bright idea, but you’re afraid to start? Or do you feel like quitting with every setback you encounter? Every newbie has this fear, but the key to success is to believe you can and take action.

In this episode, Olivia ‘Liv’ Conlon, one of UK’s youngest entrepreneurs, will share what inspired her to become successful. We will also learn about how she keeps a positive mindset and turns around her life’s negativity.

Tune in to the full episode and discover how to be on your path to success!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover how you can turn your bright ideas into successes.
  2. Learn how to deal with your adversities.
  3. Liv will also share how you can improve your sales and social media presence.


Episode Highlights

[02:48] Liv’s Top 3 Proudest Moments

  • Liv’s first proudest moment is working with her Mum, who is her business partner, every day.
  • Her second proudest moment is winning UK Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
  • The third is getting an invitation to visit the Prime Minister at Downing Street.

[04:46] How Liv Works with Her Mum

  • Liv has always admired her Mum, and she was her biggest inspiration in starting her business.
  • When her Mum joined her company, it felt a bit strange but rewarding.
  • Her Mum is very supportive of her decisions and also gives her a more mature perspective on their work.

[06:07] What Inspired Liv to Start and Continue Her Business

  • As a child, Liv had always known she doesn’t want to be told what to do — she didn’t want a boss. And at 13, she was already selling on eBay.
  • Sometimes, she wants to give up, especially after working 18 hours a day and driving another 6 hours later. When this happens, she connects back to why she was here in the first place — to do the right thing for herself and her future family.
  • It is essential to have personal and work goals to make reaching a milestone more enjoyable.

[12:28] Liv’s Invitation to Downing Street

  • Liv was invited to perform a 50-minute toast in Scottish at the prime minister’s house during the Robbie Burns Night.
  • It was a challenging but enjoyable experience to prepare the long speech the night before presenting it.
  • She also shares no phone is allowed in the home and that the staircase in the movie ‘Love, Actually’ exists.

[14:09] Too Big for Your Boots

  • The title was inspired by a stranger who told her that she should remember not to ‘get too big for your boots’.
  • Women, especially younger women, are expected to be successful, to shine brightly. This inspired her to write the book.
  • In her book, Liv shares how your mindset shapes you and how you can use it to your advantage.
  • You will also learn about practical business advice, from the light bulb moment to a seven-figure brand.
  • Tune in to the full episode to learn more about how you’ll benefit from reading this book, the famous person who wrote its foreword and where to get it.

[20:51] Lessons Learned from Her Bullies and the Power of Positivity

  • Liv was bullied in school because her schoolmates didn’t like that she was good at everything and wasn’t afraid to be herself. It eventually worsened that she began to hate school and transferred to a new one in her senior year.
  • She learned that speaking about it had been very powerful for her. It also fuelled her to prove that she could be something more.
  • Liv believes that bullies, including online trolls, are merely projecting their insecurities at you.
  • For every negative thing in your life, there are more positive things you can choose to focus on.
  • Listen to the full episode to discover more lessons you can learn from your bullies and how to live with a positive mindset.

[26:58] Advice on Boosting Your Social Media Profile

  • It may sound cliché, but the secret to boosting your brand is sharing your story, which lets other people connect with you.
  • According to Liv, people don’t buy what you do but why you do it. Your why is your unique selling point or your underdog story proclaimed.
  • Liv explains that her philosophy leads to the marketing belief that your product or service is about your client. Because the only way you’ll connect with these clients is when they can resonate with you.

[32:43] Liv’s Secret to Success

  • Liv’s secret to success is hard work, consistency and taking action.
  • Consistency is not just about showing up to work every day; it is also about continually improving yourself every day.
  • It also helps to see your goal not as a mountain but as bite-sized chunks that you can accomplish step by step.
  • When you get an idea, follow the 5-second rule — act on it before you can stop yourself\


5 Powerful Quotes from the Episode

[09:17] ‘I think it’s important in those [bad] times as well not asking yourself, like, “why is this happening to me,” but, “why is it happening for me?” I think it’s just having that totally positive mindset where you look at everything, and you sort of shift your perspective from the negative to the positive’.

[10:43] ‘So, I would say that if you are someone who’s working on business goals, or your goals, also have some personal goals that you also have alongside that as well.’

[22:08] ‘Your mess becomes your message. . . I really love to work with people. They say that most successful people have overcome some sort of adversity. And actually, adversity has a 70% positive influence on you’.

[26:09] ‘Where focus goes, energy flows. Why would you choose to actually focus on the negative when there’s probably a 99% chunk that’s really positive’?

[33:04] ‘Consistency is one of the most challenging ones because you know, it takes a while to form a habit or be able to do something consistently without losing focus, or getting bored, or getting distracted. But for me, I will determine my success if I’ve showed up consistently every day’.

About Olivia

Olivia Conlon is the CEO and founder of the Property Stagers. She started her business at 16 and became a £1m brand at 19. Olivia received the UK Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2019 and now helps other entrepreneurs turn their bright ideas into a profitable reality.

If you want to connect with Liv, visit her Instagram to learn more about her story.

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To defining success,
